Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Becoming Inspiration

Hi! My name is Arethusa Esin. 
Well, it isn't really but for now that is the name you will know me by.
I know what you’re thinking “What kind of name is that?”. 
And, even if you’re not thinking that, I will feel a lot better about myself if I explain my decision in using this name. 
My email username is becominginspiration. Random, I know, but just wait I have a point!
This is my goal.
I have a desire to become important to someone. 
To make a difference in another’s life.
To create something so beautiful that it inspires one or two or many to rise above challenges and make their lives and other lives better. 
So, in my quest to find a name for myself, I looked up baby names that meant something close to becoming inspiration. 
I stumbled across Arethusa which means “to become excellent” and Esin which means “Inspiration”. While it sounds really cool, I chose the name mainly to remind myself to strive to become excellent and inspirational.
So this is my blog. 
A mess of words and idea’s coming together in a hopefully influential manner. 
I am no writer unfortunately, but I am a thinker. 
My mind is a beautifully large canvas that adds more detail and color and magnificence as I grow older and experience more of life. 
Getting the true art of what I feel and see down on paper is the hard part. 
So, please don’t expect Shakespeare from me. 
You won’t get it.
What I can promise you though, is that you will get the best representation of my world through the tools of words.
And trust me, it will be worth your time.

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