Monday, September 22, 2014

Reason's Why I Hate Being Alone

  • It is terribly boring.
  • I talk to myself more... 
  • I tend to eat more so as to fill the silence with my chewing.
  • Every sound is terrifying. 
  • The door is never completely shut when I pee.
  • Cleaning feels pointless and unrewarding.
  • I make the cat stay inside to keep me company.
  • No one motivates me to get my work done.
  • There is no one to bug... so I start bugging myself.
  • I count to three when turning off the lights at night, then I race the devils to my bed.
  • There is no one to say goodnight to... except myself...
  • When I accomplish something there is no one to celebrate with.
  • I tend to play games with myself... and then quit early because it's boring.
  • There is no one to talk to when I'm stressed.
  • There is no one to talk to when I'm scared.
  • There is no one to talk to when I'm angry.
  • There is no one to talk to when I'm sad.
  • There is no one to talk to when I'm happy.
  • There is no one to talk to when I'm excited.
  • There is no one to worry about me when I leave the house.
  • There is no one to interrogate my dates.
  • There is no one.
  • It is extremely lonely.


  1. 'I tend to eat more so as to fill the silence with my chewing.'-this is me. And I guess we have to have something to keep us entertained.

  2. "I count to three when turning off the lights at night, then I race the devils to my bed." Made me laugh xD

  3. This was great X3 I relate to a few of these
