Sunday, January 4, 2015


Okay, I'm going to be honest.
I don't know much about writing and my worst subject in school is English.
But, I did take this class for a purpose. Not just for a grade but for better creative mind.
I may not have the best poems in the class and to be honest a lot of my posts really suck.
But I don't think I care what you think about my blog.
At least not as much as I used to.
I think I owe a lot of that to our teacher because he's stressed just being who you are.
And I did that.
I gave you the best representation I could of my heart and I learned a lot.
I learned that I love to write!
I may not be good at it but nevertheless, I love it.
I have learned that poetry means everything to me.
I find so much beauty in words and I found myself appreciating lyrics, poetry, talks, books, any spoken language, a lot more than I ever have.
I have learned to stimulate the right side of my brain.
And that means the world to me.
So while you may not care , I care and that's all that matters.
Thank you for all those who have posted positive, encouraging, and critical words of praise onto my blog posts.
I have treasured your words and you have truly encouraged me to keep writing.

I guess there's no more stalling now.

I guess all that's left to do is tell you who I am.

I guess I am a little scared.

I guess I do care about what you may think about me.

Oh well, here it goes.

My name is Kylie Young.

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